So with out delay here is collage picture of the tag. I absolutely adore it! I had such a hard time sending this out lol. This tag came together fairly quickly. I say it took me between 1.5-2hrs to create and most of that time was spent coloring the flowers and waiting glossy accents to dry a lil bit before moving on lol.. The background came together quickly as i was impatient and used me heat tool to dry all the layers. So I had the thought of garden theme in my head when I started the tag and of course I had to add metal.. it wouldn't be a project of mine if it didn't have metal somewhere on it. So as in all my projects I like to capture both mine and my swap partners styles/tastes. So the metal represents me and all the colors for my swap partner. I also chose to personalize the tag and add her full name to it with some scrabble tiles. So for the background I used a couple of stencils and sprays which are listed below and chose to keep the flowers different shades as opposed to gesso-ing and spraying with the background as I did with my previous tag. I wanted the metal to stand out as well.
Ok I am rambling enough. I did do a finished project video on this tag which will be listed at the end of this post.
Thank you so much for stopping by. Here is a list of the main products I used.
Here is the video for this tag
Misc Products Used
Heidi Swap 6x6 Lattice Stencil
Tim Holtz Dot Fade Stencil
Crafters Workshop 6x6 Art Is Stencil
Dreamweaver Embossing Paste
Liquitex White Gesso
Tim Holtz DistressAged Mahogany Re-Inker
Glossy Accents
Lindy's Stamp Gang
Wild Orchid Crafts
I also used some stamens but I no longer see them listed sorry :(
ButterbeeScraps Artistic Treasures
Bronze Curb Chain
Bronze Eyelets
Bronze Filigree Wings
Bronze Tibetan Style Butterfly
Monica aka Scrappin4MyBoys
This is BEautiful! I love how you spelled her name out with the scrabble tiles and the flowers are gorgeous! :) Christine
ReplyDeleteThank you Christine! I appreciate the blog love :)